Thursday 13 June 2013

Effective Public Communication

        For Effective Public Communication [FCOM 0102], there are 4 learning outcomes of this subject. At the end of this module, I am able to explain the concepts of communication, both verbal and nonverbal, and how people behave and communicate in different situations. Besides, I am able to apply the principles of communication and behaviour in analysing interaction with others, both at individual and at group levels. Furthermore, I demonstrate an ability to analyse and response to handling conflict as well as efficient negotiation skills in dealing with variety of individuals. Lastly, I am aware of the importance of cultural differences and respect cultural differences as well as to build healthy and positive relationships with fellow students, co-workers and clients.

        To achieve these learning outcomes, I think that students should read EPC text book more often as I personally think that it is really helpful. Other than that, we should interact more with the people surround us to improve the communicating skill. Besides, we should always read article about the culture of other countries to improve our knowledge as well as respect other cultures besides of our own culture. Lastly, I think students should practice effective listening.

        This subject is interesting because I gained much knowledge after taking this subject. However, I realise that they are still a lot of non-verbal messages to learn in the future as I only know some of them. The learning strategies that have been proved effectively is that I am able to demonstrate an ability to analyse and response to handling conflict as well as efficient negotiation skills in dealing with variety of individuals. Lastly, my understanding towards EPC concept is not strong enough and I should spend more time in improving it.

Class Test
        I sat for a class test in the early of the semester. I personally think that the paper was tough and I couldn’t answer most of the questions.

Individual Essay
        My topic of the individual essay was ‘Despite the great technological advances and more exposure to people of other cultures, divisions between people of different cultures at times seems to have only intensified.’ Based on the question, we need to relate it to the concept found in the text book.

Group Assignment- Illustration and Script
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        I was in a group of 4 members and the topic given to us was ‘Listening’. This assignment required us to think a story line and draw it as a comic on A3 size paper. The job assigned to Hui Zhen and I was drawing while Yii Shin and Yi Wei think of the storyline and theories applied in the story.

English 2

        For English 2 [ENGL 0205], we have done 3 class assignments which are observing the vegetable, analysis the Genre of movies and compare them as well as debate in the class.
        After completing all the assignments, I have achieved the learning outcomes of this module. The 4 learning outcomes I have achieved is reading, writing, listening and speaking. At the end of the reading session, I am able to analyse and evaluate reading texts critically. The writing sessions enable myself to research, write a well-developed and well-organized 5-paragraph critical or argumentative essay as well as longer research essays with correct format and referencing techniques. Besides, I am able to identify speaker’s role, expression, relationship and attitude as conveyed through stress and intonation as well as develop listening in preparation for a tertiary programme at the end of the listening process. Lastly, the speaking sessions has developed my interviewing skills, deliver presentations publically as well be able to apply argumentative strategies in specific situations.
        In order to achieve these outcomes, the right attitudes I practice are not giving up easily, learn from the mistakes and always think positively. No one is 100% perfect, so do I. I am not really good in English but I always find my ways to learn and speak to others. I never give up in doing so. And, every time my friends correct my mistakes, I accept them and try to improve it. I as well believe in myself and think positively always. I have to read more English book to improve my reading and writing skills. Besides, I also encourage myself to listen to how people speak proper English and started to communicate with people using English.
        At the end of the semester, I have achieved the learning outcomes of reading, writing, listening and speaking.
        After completing the module, I found out that the reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills are very important in our daily life. It is also useful for my future studies and when I am working in the society. By doing the assignments given in the class, I found out that I am weak in reading and writing. I would always need to read the passage twice to understand it. Besides, I also found out that I need improvement in my grammar as I did some grammar mistakes in my assignments.  The listening strategies has been proved effective as I am able to identify speaker’s role, expression, relationship and attitude as conveyed through stress and intonation as well as develop listening in preparation for a tertiary programme. I think that speaking session can be further improved as I would sometimes stuck and out of words in the middle of the conversation.


The Vegetable
The onion and I  
        It was the first assignment given to us and I have chosen onion as my vegetables. In order to complete this circuitous describing essay, I have used the all of the 5 senses of the human body. It is undeniable tough for me to write in depth about the onion.

The Genre Analysis and compare/contrast of movies
        I have chosen 2 historical movies which are ‘Troy’ and ‘The Eagle’. Both of the movies are considered as action films which involve a lot of fighting scenes in the movies. In this assignment, I was assigned to do the contrast between both of the movies.

Class Debate
        We formed a group of 3 members in a group for the debate team and my group members are Osman and Ho Yi Wei. The topic of our debate is ‘The voting age in Malaysia should be lowered to 18 year old’. Osman was the first speaker as well as the rebuttal, Ho Yi Wei was the second speaker and I was the third speaker. We are ‘For’ and support our statement.

Research Assignment
Photo of us with the owners of La Vanille, Penang. 

Photo of us with the supervisor of Bread Story at Sunway Pyramid Branch.    

Photo of us with the supervisor of Free Mori at SS15.
        For this assignment, our task is to do a comparative research on 3 businesses of the same type. Hence, we decided to approach pastry business. During the trip to Penang, my team mate and I had approached La Vanille Pastry Shop. In Klang Valley, we approached Free Mori at SS15 and Bread Story at Sunway Pyramid Shopping Mall.

Video Presentation
Me and Ho Yi Wei

        For the speaking task, every group was given different topic to speak about. I have to speak to a group of visitors to Penang from Western Europe, US and Canada. Hence, my team mate and I worked together to find as much information as we could. I personally think it was quite challenging as there were not much information on the internet.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


        An assignment was given to us and we need to work in a group of 4-6 people. This assignment required us to construct the object, determine the total surface area of the object and calculate its volume. Thus, for the e-portfolio, we are to discuss three mathematical theories that we used in order to complete this assignment.
Group Members:
Chung Hui Ping
Ho Yi Wei
Wong Yii Shin
Chin Jen Pang
Sia Yu Rong
Seow Wen Yang
This is the question paper given to us by the lecturer.
The model we constructed
The first mathematical theory applied is trigonometry.

This formula is only applied for right angle triangle.
I had applied tan x = Opposite/Adjacent to find the angle of the triangle when its length of opposite and adjacent sides are given.  

The second theory I applied is Area of a segment.

Refer to the picture above, area of a segment is the area confined by circumference and chord.
Thus, to find the shaded area of a segment, I have applied the formula of ½ r2 (θ – sin θ).

Lastly, I have calculated the volume of pyramid by using the formula below.
Volume of pyramid = 1/3 x Base Area x Height

By using this formula, we are able to calculate the volume taken out from the cylinder.

Below are the formula sheets of our assignment :-

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As a conclusion, this assignment was challenging at first as we do not have the idea on how to construct the model and we were not sure which formula should be use in order to solve the problem. However, me and my team mates gathered and discussed in a group and we finally solved it. It was a great experience for me and I find it interesting though. At the end of this assignment, I realised that mathematic is not an easy subject and needs to do a lot of exercises for improvement. Besides, I also gained mathematical knowledge and know what formula should be use under different circumference.

Principles of Economics

Reflective Essay
        My favorite topic for this subject is topic 2 which is Price Theory (Part 1)-Demand. It is about market or buyer demand. The Law of demand states that as the price of a product increases, the quantity demanded will become lower, and vice versa. This topic explains the factors that affect the demand and under which circumstances people will demand more. Besides, I learnt to construct demand curve which has the characteristic of downward-sloping. Furthermore, I also get to know the factors that lead to the movements & shifts of demand curve. This topic is my favorite topic as I found out that it is easy to understand and not complicated when compared to other topics. It was also the topic that leads me to have interested in this subject when I was first introduced to Economics.
        Topic 7- Market Competition (Part 1) is my least favorite topic. It is about types of market which the markets are divided into 4 categories according to the strength of competition in that market. This topic states about the barriers to enter for each of the market. Besides, it also states about how monopolies maximize their profit, the elasticity of demand curve and its reason. This topic as well explains about government policies toward monopoly. This is my least favorite topic as it is hard to be understood as it has some new terms that I don’t understand. To make this topic better, I would take more time to revise this topic. I would also make notes to help me in memorizing the terms in this topic.
        I find Topic 4 which states about market equilibrium as most applicable to my daily life and future studies. By studying this topic, I get the idea of how selling price affect the demand and supply in the market. In my daily life, I find it useful as I am able to determine at what price and under what circumstances should I buy certain product. Whereas in my future studies, if I am a supplier, I will be able to set the appropriate price so that there will be no oversupply or shortage in the market and hence the market equilibrium can be reach. Besides, I will be able to find the solution if there is oversupply or shortage. At last, I think this subject is interesting and most of the notes are easy to understand.

The photo of us with the owners of La Vanille at Penang for our Project.
The photo of us with the supervisor of Free Mori at SS15 for our Project.
One of the photo of me and friends during the study trip to Penang.


Introduction to Business

Reflective Essay
        My favorite topic for Business is Topic 6-Developing Market Strategies. It is about the marketing process, marketing plans (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, Packaging) and consumer buying process. This topic is my favorite topic because everything is in common sense that I can easily get the ideas when reading it unlike other topics that usually take me time to understand. The terms in this topic are also easy to memorize plus there are a lot of simple graphics and charts along in the slides that would definitely form the idea of what this topic is about.
        My least favorite topic is Topic 4.1-Managing a Business (Part 2). This topic is generally about ‘organize’. The reason that I show least favorite in this topic is because it has a lot to memorize. For example, they are 3 types of organization structure and each of them has different function, different strengths and weakness. Apart from that, they are complicated charts. They are also different committees which set up for different purposes and the terms used are all new which I have never seen before. I think that by spending more time in doing revision and reading the notes over and over again could make this topic better.
        I find that Topic 5.1- Staffing, Training & Compensating Your Employees as most applicable for my everyday life and future studies. For now, I would always improve myself in many ways so that I can get an offer for a better job next time. This motivates me to work harder as most company look for excellent candidates to work in their company.  In the future, I will be able to know the requirement for most of the company and the hiring process so that I can be prepared before going for interview, and able to compare the salary levels for similar jobs in the same industry. Besides, I will be able to work with a company which provides the most benefits for their workers. This subject is definitely new for me and I find it interesting and useful for my future.

One of the group work we did in the class.
The advertisement board for our products.

Some of the handmade products we sell.

My group members and our booth.
The last day of Charity Drive Event
We passed the cheque of our donation to Precious Children's Home in PJ.


Reflective Essay
        My favorite topic for Accounting is Topic 2.1 which is Profit & Loss Statement and Double-Entry Recording. It is the ledger recordings that precede the construction of the P&L statement. In this topic, I learnt about the structure and purpose of the Profit & Loss Statement. Besides, I also get the idea on recording each transaction into at least 2 accounts in ledger, and if one account is debited, the other must credited. Furthermore, I learnt how to close the revenue and expenses accounts and transfer them to P&L account. This topic is my favorite topic as I find it meaningful and interesting. This is because they are the basic things to learn in accounting in order to proceed to the harder part. For primary learner like me, I find it meaningful because without the knowledge of ledger recording, I would never understand how the accounting process goes and it would be confusing. Secondly, I find it interesting when transfer them into the P&L statement. Although it was hard at first, but I slowly get used to it and I feel satisfied every time I complete the P&L Statement.
        For me, I dislike Topic 3.1 which is Balance Day Adjustment. It is about Prepaid Expenses and Accrued Expenses. This topic makes me confuse, always. Sometimes, I don’t know which sides should I write the amount, either the credit or debit side because I am confuse with the terms ‘prepaid’, ‘accrued’ and ‘incurred’. In order to make the topic better, I will spend more time to memorize the meaning of the terms I don’t understand and do more exercises of this topic.
        I find the topic of Financial Ratios (Lecture No.8) as most useful to my everyday life and future studies. In my everyday life, I can practice effective reading and focus on important information only. In the future, I would have the knowledge in this area and I will be able to read the accounting reports and thereby make relevant decisions. Besides, I will be able to make ratio analysis and interpretation. Before invest money in a business, I will also be able to measure the profitability of a business and a business’ risk of going bankrupt.

        I think that this subject is not as easy as I think especially for the slow learner like me and practice more is the only way to improve the accounting skills.
