Friday 4 July 2014

Measurement 2

For me, Measurement 2 is not tough as Measurement 1. I found my interest in this subject this semester. I do think that every tutorial exercises that given to us are useful as we can try out different kind of questions. Every time after I done my tutorial, I will either compare with friend’s answer or check with the lecturer. It is good that the work is not drag until the next day. Although sometimes the questions are confusing, but I never give up as practice makes perfect. I take notes on every mistake I did so that I won’t repeat the same mistake anymore.

The assignment is done and everything went smoothly. Group mates are helpful among each other and we managed to complete it within the time given. The works were well-distributed and any problems were communicated and solved among ourselves. Teamwork is definitely important to complete this assignment. We also had a lot of fun along the weeks of doing the assignment.

Taking this course is not being forced, but I found my interest in it. To fulfill my dream as a future Quantity Surveying, I will keep on learning to get to know more about construction industries. Specially thanks to Measurement 2 lecturer, Puan Habizah.

Me and my team members were measuring the classrooms and toilet.

Discussion had been carried out.

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