Monday 17 December 2012

Introduction to Construction Industry

The first project i did in this subject was 'My Place, My Memories'. This is where we show our home town, well it's Sabah for me and the memories that we had there. I have chosen 'foot print' for my theme for 'My Place, My Memories'.

There was also a group project which we had to do a mind map about construction industry.

As for our second project we were required to find a specific land within the campus area and  initiate a small project which relate to the site that has the size of not more than 30m x 30m. Thus, my group had chosen the land behind The Grand Hall as the place to develop our building.

The last project was on creating a video that shows the roleof players in the construction industry. There are 3 players we discovered in this video which are the client, boss and workers. The cooperation of every members is much appreciated as everyone of us came back on the public holiday to record the video, everyone of us did take part in this video as well. :)

Here's the video we did !

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The End - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Sunday 16 December 2012

Creative Thinking Skill

Chung Hui Ping
Tutor : Miss Ida

Hello everyone! It's time to post my CTS here before it's too late. Opps!!
So..yeah. The students in FNBE are required to do the IDJ for our CTS journal.
We are required to create mind maps, storyline and some graphics as well in every IDJ.
I found out that CTS is a fun subject because it makes myself more creative ever after doing it! 
I did mine and here they are :)


IDJ 1 was about imagining myself as a monster which reflects us. I created my monster and i named it ' Kugi' :)

My monster 'Kugi'.

Mind map of Kugi.
Story line on how my monster been created.

IDJ 2 

In IDJ 2, we were required to imagine our monster's city/home as well as habitat. I have created a candy's theme house for my monster and it called Home 'Sweet' Home. I also drew some activities that can be done at the house's surrounding in my IDJ and the function of the house. This made my monster's house perfect.

Kugi's perfect house.
Home 'Sweet' Home.

Mind map of Candy's house.

The activities that can be done at the house's surrounding.

The multi-function of Candy's house.


We were required to imagine our monster's friends and villain in our IDJ 3. My monster have 2 friends and 1 villain. Kugi's friends whose name are Mori and Bouncy helped out a lot in its daily life. They also helped Kugi to fight the villain which is known as Cabal.
Kugi's friends.
Mori and Bouncy.

Story line.

Mind map of Mori (Friend).

Mind map of Bouncy (Friend).

Mind map of Cabal (Villain).

IDJ 4 

In IDJ 4, we were about to create an event to our monster and i created an BBQ event for my monster. In this IDJ, i drew the things that is needed to prepare before the event, including the invitation card, food, drink and some set up equipments. I also drew clearly the set up of the venue. The mind map enabled  me to elaborate more.
The invitation card.

Mind map of BBQ event.

Story line.

Things to prepare.

The set up of venue.


IDJ 5 was the final IDJ which we need to create a book cover to compile every IDJs. My book cover reflects myself and I named my book as ''.

The front page of my book Cover.
'Extraordinary Inc.'

My book cover.

The back page of my book cover (Synopsis).

Project 1 : CD cover design, mind map and brainstorming.

The first project we did was creating a mind map based on the song chosen by our leader. The song that our leader chosen was 'trade it all' and from here we made the mind map. This was the first mind map we did and somehow it was bellow our expectation because we have no experience of doing it. We also did a CD cover in this project.

Project 2 : Onomatopoaia performance.

Other than doing IDJs, we had Onomatopoeia performance. We were the first group to present on that day!

Project 3 : PSA Public Service Awareness Video.

Furthermore, we have to make an awareness video with our group members. My group was doing the topic about' 'second hand smoke'.

Here's the link form youtube :

Final project : Rube Goldberg Machine.

Our last project was making our own Rube Goldberg Machine which this project took me quite a long time to finish and i have spent lots of money on it. At first i was quite nervous and worried about the machine i made because it NEVER goes smooth EVERYTIME i try. It was amazing that it went well on the presentation day and i never thought of that! I almost gave up on it before the presentation.
I still remember how happy and excited  i were when i watch the marbles went well through every parts of the machine. I  appreciate it very much . Thank god :)

The theme of my Rube Goldberg Machine : A story to show how you fight your enemy/villain

Here are the pictures of my Rube Goldberg Machine :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - That's all for my CTS subject. :)  - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - -  -


I have improve my English writting and speaking skills through the lecture in my English class. I am not good in English before, but since i entered university, i began trying to speak English with my friends so that i could improve it. English 1 is a compulsory subject for students in FNBE and here are 3 parts of assignment which i have done.

i) Essay Writing
ii) Listening test
iii) Oral test

i) Essay Writing

There are a lot of activities and assignments that we need to fulfill in English 1. We were given an essay topic by our lecturer and everyone must write our own essay without copying from the internet or
any other resources available because it is considered as plagiarism. The first step of doing an essay is pre-writing. Pre-writing is important as you can jot down your points in a piece of paper and then later on you can elaborate them. Just in case that we ran out of ideas , we can then refer to the website to search for the relevant information, but we are require to cite the author and where were the resources from. In other words, we have to give citation if we refer to any other resources. I have spent a lot of time to check my essay writing as it carries a handful of marks.

ii) Listening test

Our lecturer gave us few recordings to listen about and fill in the blank spaces in the work sheets based on what we heard before the listening test. I think that listening test was quite a big challenge for me because i am not used to listening  English with the British/American 'accent'. Thus, it was hard for me to fill the blanks  with the correct answers. The listening test was carried out in a lecture theater. I was quite nervous that time.  The lecturer repeated the recording twice. I guess that i  was not confident enough as i did not dare to write the answer i heard in the work sheet in the first time of recording. While the recording was being played the second time, i had to  force myself to listen to the recording clearly, but there was some important points that i clearly missed. To be honest, my listening skill is not strong enough to catch the words and so i decided to start listening to the radio and news from now on!!

iii) Oral test

There are 2 parts of oral test. One of them was the video recording. I have 7 memebers in my group and the theme of our video is on comedy. Everyone of us did take part in the video recording, we  tried to make it the best but sadly the sound effect was not nice enough because of some technical problem and that the background sound was too loud but i have to admit that we have done it with the full commitment form everyone and i appreciate that so much. :)

We then were required to do the second part of our oral test which we have to form a group and have a visit to a tourism place. I  joined a group of  girls ( 5 including me ) and we went to Thean Hou Temple which is located in Kuala Lumpur. We took some photos of the temple which includes the architecture of the temple, the food serve in the temple and the activities can be done in the temple.  We  divided the work as well and my part is about 'the food serve in the temple'. During the presentation day, our group was the first group to present about our blog. I did some grammar mistakes and the lecturer corrected me.

Here are some photos taken during the visitation to the Thean Hou Temple.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - The End :) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Thursday 13 December 2012

Element Of Natural Built and Environment (ENBE)

This subject is about the understanding of natural environment and built environment. In this subject, we have to do a lot sketches of natural and built things, think of abstract/imaginary space and space that we can be seen through our naked eyes. Also, we had two sites visit in this semester and i have gained a lot of great experience after the sites visit. Furthermore, we have group and individual project throughout this semester. There are also individual and group presentation. Overall, i have learnt a lot in this semester, such as the involvement of group work spirit and i have improve my skill of sketches. I have went through all the hardships and that was how my work have been produced.

Here are the sketches i did :)

This is the first sketch i did. It took me one whole day to shade so that the contrast can be clearly seen.

Reflection of the Orchid
An orchid which is born hope to live a luxury life. 
Bloom to show it's beauty. 
It stands elegantly and keep it's royalty till the end of time.

The second sketch was about element of natural environment and how their relation.

Natural Environment
The peaceful natural environment shows that the cows were left alone to enjoy the food. 
The sun sets where the birds are flying throughout the farm. 
The colour tone creates the harmony effect in the set.

The, the third sketch was about the understanding of natural. 

Issues that related to the natural environment
Our mother earth is in pain and sick due to irresponsible human activities.
It shows how sick our mother earth is caused by us humans from the pollution we created.

This is the sketch that shows the timeline of building structure.

First stage (The first picture from the left) :
Desperate for shelter without the existence of technology,
humans created shelter with what they can find, bamboo and dried leaves were only their option.

Second stage (The second picture from the left) :
Human's mind developed. From the weak bamboos and dried leaves, they began to develop good quality houses made from strong wood. The structure stood strong.

Third stage (The third picture from the left) :
As the technology begins to develop, it enables human to build an even better shelter and most of us would now call 'home'. The mixture of the wood and bricks show the evolution.

Final stage ( The last picture from the left) :
The latest design and loved by nations is the modern design with the mixture of transparent glasses and stainless steel. The wall of the house can be seen through with naked eyes, where it shows the uniqueness of the shapes and perspective of the houses.

This is a sketch of landscape perspective.

The picture shows both the modern and nature side of an outdoor setting. The greens and the lake represent the nature element of the surrounding whereas the design of the environment of checkers like-like-floor shows the contrast. It is definitely a good place to relax. 

Two landscape details :
Bench chair and floor tiles

Three different plants :
Sunflower, water lily and tulip

Two types of building structural :
Truss and the structure of floor

Service detail 1 :
Fire sprinkler system

Service detail 2:
The inner part of an escalator

3 types of furniture :
Armchair, wardrobe and coffee table

2 types of mobility infrastructure and its description :
MRT and car

2 types of communication infrastructure and its description :
Satellite and communication tower

2 types of system infrastructure and its description :
Hydro power and solar energy

I live at Subang Avenue and this is the map of  Subang Avenue to KL city.

Here are the the 32 photographs of my residence place and its descriptions.

My cover page  : 



The End :)

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The end of my sketch journal - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

Now it's the time for me to show my project works. :)

My project 1 (a) : Introduce a natural environment.
 It took me 1 whole day to do this. argh!
Welcome to Sabah! :)

Project 1(b) : 'Space'
This is my collage work of 'space'. 
It is my imaginary space that i wish i could capture all the natural sceneries all around the world with my own camera. 
p.s : The circle in the middle is actually a camera lens.

Project 2 is a group work project and there are two parts in project 2 :

Project 2 (a) : Report
We had visited to 3 different places which are Kampung Pulau Meranti (rural), Cyberjaya (Suburban), and Putrajaya (Urban). The title given to our group was INFRASTRUCTURE, so we took some pictures that are related to our topic when we visited to these three places. After that, our group leader, Edwin, has distributed the work to each of the member in the group.
I was given a sub-topic that was mobility infrastructure. We also had few times of group meeting in the library  to discuss about our progress before the submission date.

Here are some photos (that is related to my sub-topic) taken during the site visit :

After we have submitted the project 2 (a), we were given time to prepare the power point for the presentation of Project 2 (b). Of course, we did have several times of group meeting in the library. We used 'Prezi' for our presentation instead of using power point as it recommended by the lecturer.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - End of my projects' work - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Site Visit to FRIM :

Site Visit to rural, sub-urban an urban area :

First stop : Kampung Pulau Meranti 

Second stop : Cyberjaya


Last stop : Putrajaya 

 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - End of site visit - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 

That's all for my E-portfolio for ENBE. :)