Saturday 3 December 2016

Development Economics (QSB4223)

Development Economics introduces the development, roles and contribution of construction industry to the national economy. Besides theory, various calculations techniques have been taught to derived development appraisal in consideration of time value for money, which is Net Present Value which has been taught in Building Economics in previous semester. The knowledge learnt in Building Economics and Development Economics are interrelated.

Throughout the entire module, we had a group assignment where we were required to prepare a development plan by establishing a development appraisal according to assignment brief. We had been work as a team throughout the assignment development process where brainstorming ideas were contributed by every member during the discussion. Besides solving the question being distributed to each of us, we as well work out on other questions to understand the flow and the method used to solve a particular question. On the presentation day, my group was being selected to report on the assignment which has been done. Discussion was being conducted along with the presentation. We were also corrected by Ms Dianne on several mistakes done on the calculations. Throughout the presentation, we have learnt from the mistakes. Also, team work has been established as everyone work as a team.

Furthermore, we had weekly presentation during the tutorial sessions on the lecture which has been discussed.  Besides training on our presentation skills, it as well revises and further discuss on the topic by solving the tutorial questions. By constantly having presentation every week, I believed that it will ease the memorisation process as we are able understand the topics better. At the end of this module, I am able to understand the basic principles to economy and the process of property development.

Last but not least, I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to Ms Dianne towards her knowledge sharing and passion in teaching.

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